We offer you 3 possibilities, though
any other idea is welcome, as long as
you are getting satisfaction from your
financial involvement in muhka & smak


This website is for sale.
The money will be used to fund other independent art & media initiatives.
Inform about the current value of this domain. You can propose
an amount of money, or add a standard $150 to the current bid.


All art in the Muhka Museum in Antwerp is for sale.
You can choose one of your favorite works,
and send us the amount of money that you think
you can spend on it. It becomes your property
but is hereby donated to the Muhka.



Your own artwork is for sale.
If you have an invaluable piece of electronic art (your own, or a friend's, etc...)
you can put it online and link it to the MUHKA.ORG site. Send us the value of
your work and we will spend it on other digital art and media.



Don't hesitate and

Mail us now!

